St. Paul’s Hospital: Monthly Giving

Student Work

Logo Design
Web Design
Print Design
Icon Design

As part of the Marketing Communications class at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, we were given the opportunity to work with St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation to propose a unique visual treatment, direct-mail envelope, micro-site landing page, and full-page advertisement to put a focus on their monthly donation program and care provided at St. Paul’s.

This concept was one of four selected to be presented to the Foundation’s marketing team.

Student Work

Logo Design
Web Design
Print Design
Icon Design

As part of the Marketing Communications class at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, we were given the opportunity to work with St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation to propose a unique visual treatment, direct-mail envelope, micro-site landing page, and full-page advertisement to put a focus on their monthly donation program and care provided at St. Paul’s.

This concept was one of four selected to be presented to the Foundation’s marketing team.